Create and Print

Scrabble Score Pads

Hasbro does not sell separate score pads for Scrabble anymore.

This little application allows you to create and print your own Scrabble
score pads customized with your players names or with empty name headers.

It will create 2 or 4 score pads on one page, which you can print from your browser.
Once printed, cutting lines help you cutting the page in 4 separate small pads.

Set your preferences
4 Names in Head-Cells:

If you play with two players only and you plan to switch start turns every new game, you should write the names in this order:
Player 1, Player 2, Player 2, Player 1.
Leave fields empty to print no names.
Pads on the page:  
Rows per pad:  
Additional cutting lines: Recommended if you print a page with header and/or footer information like an URL and/or date.

Hints for printing the pads
How many rows per pad
do I need?
It all depends on how experienced you are in Scrabble.

Highly experienced players tend to make shorter words (unless they go for a bingo), which leads to more rounds in a game. The more rounds you play the more rows you need on a pad.

Less experienced players tend to 'waste' more tiles per round, thus the game is over after less rounds. Then you need less rows on your pads.

You should put at least 22 rows per pad. But try to put the highest amount of rows per pad that you can get printed on your page.
How many rows
fit on a page.
There is no way of telling you how many rows will fit, because that depends on so many factors like your browsers "Page setup" and printer settings (borders, header and footer notes displayed or not), also the paper size (i.e. US Letter, Legal, or the european DIN A4) and of course whether you print 2 or 4 pads per page.

The best way to find out how many rows fit on one pad according to your settings or preferences is that you consult the "Print Preview" function in your browser.
When looking at the preview make sure that everything fits on just ONE PAGE not two.

If the browser wants to print it on two pages you know that something is not fitting one one page. In this case you either have to change some page setup or print settings or reduce the amount of rows per pad.

If everything fits on ONE page, you should try to increase the number of rows per pad until the browser needs two pages again to print it. Then you go back to the last number of rows that fit on ONE page and you have your perfect amount of rows per pad.

Here is some info how about page setup in Internet Explorer (english, german)

Aren't the score pads
too wide to print?
The width of the Score Pads (which are basically HTML-Tables) are set in relative values (percentages).
That means the width of the Score Pads will be adjusted automatically to the width of your paper format when printing the page.